Financial support can be offered either by using the donation box
at the monastery or via money transfer into the monastery’s bank account:
Bank: Caixa Geral de Depósitos
Account name: Budismo Theravada da Floresta – Comunidade Religiosa
Account number: 0216071661830
IBAN: PT 50003502160007166183062
Swift Code: CGDI PT PL
If you wish wish to receive a receipt:
In case of bank transfer
Please send an email to sangha@sumedharama.pt, with proof of transfer to the monastery’s bank account including the amount and date of transfer, your full name, address and fiscal number.
In Case of Using the Monastery’s Donation Box
Please write your full name, address and fiscal number on a note, placed together with the donation inside a sealed enveloped. It can also be useful to leave a contact (phone number or email). This allows us to make a separate deposit, as required by law and accountancy regulations in Portugal.
The receipt will be sent via postal service by the monastery accountant.
UK donors can also make their donations via the Theravada MonasticTrust which is a UK charity set up for this purpose. Gift Aid can also be claimed on donations made via the TMT.
Theravada Monastic Trust
IBAN: GB70HBUK40100901444638
Sort Code: 40-10-09
Account Number: 01444638
May you be well